Grandmas Cave Oct 14

The largest cave in the Sedona area, going back several hundred feet from an almost inaccessible location below the east rim of Oak Creek Canyon
PA090001   GRANDMA'S CAVE Parking at Cava Springs campground PA090002 PA090004   We cross 89A to start up the steep east side of Oal Creek Canyon PA090005
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PA090012   This trail area has just been reopened after months of fire closure, so there are doiwned trees in several places PA090013-2 PA090013 PA090014
PA090015 PA090016   We are now high enough to see the burned side of the canyon PA090018 PA090019
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PA090032 PA090033   THe hitchrail once used to park fire mules PA090034 PA090035
PA090036 PA090037   It has rained a lot this summer PA090038 PA090039
PA090041 PA090042   On top above the canyon PA090043 PA090045
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PA090050   We cross a series of small hills... PA090051 PA090052 PA090054
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PA090060   An alligator juniper PA090061 PA090063   Finally, a narrow rocky ridge PA090065
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PA090074   ...And down a slippery slope to the cave PA090076   First, it's time for lunch PA090077 PA090078
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PA090085   We explore the cave PA090086 PA090087 PA090088
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PA090097   Climbing to the left of the cave entrance. The way up is very steep and slippery. PA090098 PA090099 PA090100
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